The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It

Rated 4.5/5: Buy The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It by Malcolm Kendrick: ISBN: 9781844546107 : ✓ 1 day delivery for Prime members

Source: The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It: Malcolm Kendrick: 9781844546107: Books

The Cure for Diabetes | Men’s Health

It’s a wonder no one has tried to have Mary Vernon’s medical license revoked. Since 1999, the 52-year-old family doctor has been treating diabetic patients in Lawrence, Kansas, with an approach that was abandoned by most physicians in the 1930s. Worse, this Depression-era remedy is the opposite of the current guidelines established by the American Diabetes Association, a nonprofit organization that spent nearly $51 million on research in 2005, and so should know a thing or two about how to handle diabetes.

Source: The Cure for Diabetes | Men’s Health

The Diabetes Diet – Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution. 

A revolutionary new low-carb diet for diabetics by the doctor who pioneered a successful new approach to the disease — with 100 original mouth watering recipes. Although some diets, like South Beach or Atkins, will lead to weight loss in the short term, they don’t teach dieters how to make the lifestyle change necessary to keep the pounds off. Such diets don’t remain faithful to the science behind low-carb eating, but instead allow the return of bad habits to undo their early benefits.

Pete’s Success Story

The following is a great success story by our newest registered user Pete.   The following is an small excerpt:

My first symptom of diabetes occurred during the summer of 1995 and I remember telling the doctor during my physical exam that year of my enduring thirst.  He asked me what I did about it and I said I drank a lot of water.   His response – that’s good.  That fall my doctor left the area and I went to see a new doctor in December to establish a new doctor/patient relationship.  He asked me to have blood work done before my appointment.  When I arrived at the appointed time, he looked at me, stuck out his hand and said “Welcome Mr. Diabetic to my practice!”  I looked around to see if he was talking with someone else but he said “No I am talking to you.  Your fasting blood sugar was 248”…

Summary: 72 year old, Male, Type 2 diabetic, diagnosed 12 years ago

Read more Pete’s Success Story

Ryan Whitaker’s Success Story

Ryan Whitaker

The following is my own success story which includes a brief account of my diagnosis, life before I found there was a means to achieve truly normal blood sugars, and my life since finding a solution to my diabetes. It also describes how and why I decided to launch D-solve (

Summary: 34 year old, Male, Type 1 diabetic of 30 years

Read more Ryan Whitaker’s Success Story